i feel like i'm very late
to join in on this
(+ a little reluctant)
but hey....i was tagged
so i'd feel rude not to have a go
so here are 6 weird things about me
number 1as much as i love all things
colourful....i just can't bring myself to drink out
of cups that aren't white on the inside
number 2in the privacy of my own home
i've been known to wear
socks + flip flops
in a japanese style
(it all started with my muji toe socks)
so comfy
number 3in the school play
i was the baddie's girlfriend
in bugsy malone....
....i sang at the audition
in front of everyone
(i was desperate to be blousey brown)
but i got a non-singing part
enough said
number 4
i normally have 3 on the go
i can't seem to be patient enough
not to start a new one
when i haven't finished another
like tonight
i know i'm going to start reading the book i bought today
i'm already halfway through 2
(this is also the case with my creative projects)
number 5i like to wear my husband's aftershave
number 6i am officially a scaredy cat
the older i get the worse it's becoming....
....i'm the sort of person who doesn't like
to freewheel on my bicycle downhill
or drive very fast
but what's strange is that when i was younger
i did actually
go pot-holing
qualify as a scuba diver
learn to abseil
so what's happened to me?so that's my 6 things
were they really weird?
oh well....back to normal on monday!